Monday, November 7, 2016


 You can find a closeup of the patriotic dress on Jade Jolie's Instagram page:

A photo posted by Jade Jolie (@missjadejolie) on

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


I stayed in drab, but found these lovely gurls on Instagram:

A photo posted by Chase Johnsey (@chasejohnsey) on

A photo posted by 🚬Farrah Moan 🍸 (@farrahrized) on

Thursday, October 6, 2016

World Ballet Day

Oops, I'm late in posting this, as World Ballet Day was October 4. In honor of the occasion, how about a couple of new pics of dancer Chase Johnsey (aka Serenity Lopez or Yakatarina Verbosovich)?

A photo posted by Chase Johnsey (@chasejohnsey) on

A photo posted by Chase Johnsey (@chasejohnsey) on

Next, a brief video:

And, finally, a longer video:


Monday, October 3, 2016

Dixie update

It may be my imagination, but it appears that Dixie Lynn Cartwright has toned down the eye makeup and acquired some lovely new wigs and dresses.

She's more beautiful than ever.

A photo posted by Dixie Lynn Cartwright (@dixielynncartwright) on

Here's another recent shot from her Instagram page:

A photo posted by Dixie Lynn Cartwright (@dixielynncartwright) on

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

All-Male Theatrical Productions

I've been reading about all-male theatrical productions, which often feature the work of William Shakespeare. That's unsurprising as it basically reflects an attempt to produce the Bard's work in a way consistent with its original form.

The Washington, DC, Shakespeare Theatre Company is a prominent center for all-male productions. Here are a few pictures from their recent staging of "Taming of the Shrew."

Maulik Pancholy as Katherina

Oliver Thornton as Bianca

Rick Hammerly as the Widow:

A photo posted by Shakespeare Theatre Company (@shakespeareindc) on

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Making Herstory

The Democratic Party is meeting in Philadelphia this week to nominate Hillary Clinton as its presidential candidate. This will be an hiserstoric moment.

If Hillary wins, the "first lady" will be a man.

In anticipation of this possibility, LGBT activist Santiago Durazzo has been dressing and campaigning as "First Lady Bill" for months. His picture (in costume) has been featured in the Washington Post and other news outlets.

Comparing the current caricature pics to the website photos, it appears Durazzo may have trimmed some of his leg hair for the DNC.  Good to know he dresses for special occasions.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Baseball season

We've all seen videos of Japanese game shows featuring cross-dressing. And Jaye Kaye has often features Japanese cosplayers on her highly recommended tumblr "a gender game for gifted guys."

Have you ever seen anything quite like this story about Japanese baseball players who dressed as gurls to "amuse fans!" This video is embedded in the story.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


For years, Richard Schaefer's tumblr Ariel's Grotto has been in the right-hand bloglist. You can see his cosplay evolution in the above images.

This past month, Ariel has been the subject of much publicity -- pieces in Cosmo online, The Daily Mail, The Huffington Post, The National Enquirer, etc. That's the kind of attention that helps yield 158,000 followers on Instagram!

I wonder if Richard would cosplay Hannah Montana, Lizzie McGuire, or  Jessica Rabbit? Here's a Taylor Swift look:

A photo posted by TheOfficialAriel (@theofficialariel) on

Mostly, as the stories report, Richard goes in for Disney princesses. Here are some faves:

A photo posted by TheOfficialAriel (@theofficialariel) on

A photo posted by TheOfficialAriel (@theofficialariel) on

A photo posted by TheOfficialAriel (@theofficialariel) on

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Pin-up Gurl: DeLa

““Everyone’s favorite campy burlesque queen ”
JFC can we talk about the fact how awesome DeLa looks as a redhead?? I’m dying. I can’t. like how do you perfect.

Rupaul veteran Ben De La Creme makes a fabulous pin up gurl. I couldn't decide which of these pics to put first as DeLa looks gorgeous in all of them.

BenDeLaCreme's Cosmos

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


RIP Alanis Laurell (Ross), one of the 49 victims at Pulse.

Her artistry is apparent on any number of videos on youtube.

Alanis was simply lovely.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Yasumasa Morimura

Are you familiar with the photographer Yasumasa Morimura? He does self-portraits in the guise of famous people and iconic photos.

Hare are some fantastic examples -- Audrey Hepburn, Brigette Bardot, Elizabeth Taylor and Marlene Dietrich. A Google image search will yield many more treasures, including some male icons.

Self-Portrait after Brigitte Bardot 1


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Favorites from Flickr

I check my Flickr account about once per week. It's always a good morning when I find new pics of Gina Lee. Though she's outdoors in the sunlight, she's ready here for a night on the town:


 And covergurl Vesna from Prague poses like a studio model:

  Vesna Prague

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Gender and Race Transformation?

This is Jerzy Grzechnik performing as Diana Ross on the Polish television program Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo. How do we feel about the blackface?


 Jerzy has already appeared on the show as Adele and Britney Spears.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Guy Tries Online Dating as a Woman

A first-timer?


The account Sy Thomas made

He also tweeted about it:

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


24 hour relief!

Young, thin, and beautiful. With great shoes.

  Ready for business

Victoria's Secret model? Secretly?


Friday, March 4, 2016

Chasity Marie

Psssst, Jaye Kaye. You are going to want to see Chasity Marie's Instagram page.


Young. Petite. Beautiful. Pageant winner.

A photo posted by Chasity Marie (@_chasitymarie_) on

A photo posted by Chasity Marie (@_chasitymarie_) on

Her boyfriend Kyle is a cosmetologist!

A photo posted by Kyle Williams ✂️ (@kyguyy) on

Chasity has posted plenty of pictures of herself in gowns, but I think this is an even better full-body shot:

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Alena Mnsk

Alena Mnsk is a beautiful gurl from Belarus who used to have a popular channel on youtube. Some of her videos are still available, but they have apparently been posted by other users (who presumably copied them).

 It's good to know Alena looks great in 2016:


I think Alena was last featured here in 2009.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

More Secrets

The Hungarian TV show Sztárban Sztár is yet another version of Your Face Sounds Familiar. As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, it is not always easy to find performances from global editions of this program on youtube. My guess is that this problem is related to copyright. Perhaps the programs make deals to utilize songs, but the deals restrict access in the USA? 

For whatever reason, I cannot find the performance of Peter Srámek as a gurl.  They might as well be secret. Luckily, however, pictures are available.

I'm not sure I know this artist, but I believe she is Judit Hernádi

The pics and performance reveal head-to-toe beauty:

Apparently, this is supposed to be an imitation of the leggy Tina Turner: 

And this is a femulation of Borbála Péterfy:

I believe young Peter also performed as Boy George and as a member of the Spice Girls.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Global Secrets

I spend a good deal of time on youtube looking for singing videos from the television show "Your Face Sounds Familiar." It is known by various names in different countries around the world. It can be frustrating to find new videos.

Some of the videos are posted by fans, and they are often blocked by the network that originally aired the footage. Other videos are posted by the networks, but are blocked in my country -- or removed after a short period of time.

The Romanian version, called "Te cunosc de undeva!" is known for its terrific impersonators, but many of the very best performances seem to be unavailable on youtube. The most recent entire season seems to be blocked from viewers in the USA.

Here are a few pics of a couple of the best femulators singing.

Florin Ristei has performed often as a gurl:

Serban Copot's recent videos are particularly difficult to find: