Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas!

This is Silver Summers singing "All I Want For Christmas Is You."


I posted another version of this song on my other blog. 

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday, November 13, 2017

Kacper Kuszewski as Maria Callas

From Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo:

Other performers on this program have also sang as Callas, including Marek Kaliszuk:

Two months ago, on The Cover Gurlz, I posted a video of Artur Chamski singing "Habenero," but he was performing as Małgorzata Walewska.

Kacper Kuszewski's vocal sounds better to me, but Chamski had better cleavage.

Monday, November 6, 2017


Almost 2 months ago, I posted a video of Sebastian Muntean of "Voice of Romania" singing the song "Heartbreak Hotel" as Euro pop performer C.C. Catch on the show Te Cunosc De Undeva. I speculated about whether Sebastian might be a star on this program given his slender physique, youth, and facial shape.

Since then, Sebastian has brilliantly femulated many other pop stars -- mostly not in English. The physical transformations have generally surpassed the musical performances.

This one is Corina Chiriac:


This is him singing and dancing as Beyonce. The blackface in this performance is something that likely would not appear on national television in the USA.


  Olguta Berbec

And Delia in a duet.

He also sang as Bette Midler from Hocus Pocus.

Saturday, October 14, 2017


Tuesday, the wonderful Stana posted a picture of "Seth Atwell" on her Femulate blog.  Today, a commenter noted that the model formerly known as Seth is now Siobhan.

This is correct. I was going to post this video earlier in the week, but I was too busy. It's called simply "hollywood hills."

Monday, September 11, 2017

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Popular support

Farrah Moan is a beautiful gurl with 425,000 followers on Instagram:

A post shared by Farrah Moan 🍸 (@farrahrized) on

Can anyone explain how Chasity Marie only has 6000?

A post shared by Chasity Marie (@_chasitymarie_) on

Simple explanation: Farrah works in Vegas, Chasity in Cincinnati.
And Farrah was on season 9 of Rupaul's Drag Race.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Abby Cats

You probably already know about the lovely Abby Cats. She has a wonderful Tumblr, and is also on Flickr and now Instagram. She has 10s of 1000s of fans and admirers.

Here's one of my favorite pics, which has a sexy '60s vibe:

Meow 🐱

 Look at those wrists -- she's so skinny!

 Here's a fairly typical head-to-toe shot:

  Serious Question

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Female energy

The vocals are not always excellent in these videos, but I admire the feminine energy.


I'm not sure this is much like a performance by Madonna, but it is enthusiastic:

This singer is someone to watch:

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Bassem and Myriam

It requires both beauty and confidence to perform with a gorgeous model like Myriam Klink. Bassem Feghali manages to pull it off. Again.

A post shared by Myriam klink👑 (@myriamklinkk) on

Sadly, the video of Bassem and Boland linked above seems to have been removed. Anyone know where to find it? I found this pic to remind everyone of the clothes they both wore in it.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

A toast

The beautiful Walter Evers is so slender.

A post shared by Walter Evers (@walterevers) on

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Serenity Lopez dancing

This Miss Continental 2016 Final Night Talent performance by Serenity Lopez seems very beautiful and feminine:

Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Lovely gurl from the UK:


Juliette Noir also has a youtube channel. Here's a brief video that gives you an idea of her voice:


Finally, this is a head-to-toe shot, apparently taken at a professional studio:
