Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Party week

KeyWest(BurbonSt.Pub) by tina_tgirl
KeyWest(BurbonSt.Pub), a photo by tina_tgirl on Flickr.

The Super Bowl is played this coming Sunday. The event is no longer "merely" the championship football game. It's a national day of partying -- and where better to party and watch the game than New Orleans?

Indianapolis is the host city you say? Well, Tina can catch the game on TV.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekend in bed?

Pink Sissy Dress by tori_chitown
Pink Sissy Dress, a photo by tori_chitown on Flickr.

This photo is inspiring to anyone contemplating a winter weekend in bed.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Red Dress 1 by xgirltv1000
Red Dress 1, a photo by xgirltv1000 on Flickr.

Thanks to the Martin Luther King holiday, many American gurls have a day off to do whatever strikes their fancy. I like to think Michelle Monroe took advantage.

Anyway, I hope everyone in the US enjoyed the holiday and thought for at least a moment about King's efforts to counter inequality and violence.

Peace and love to all my readers.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Foreign Relations

MY 2011 NEW YEAR PHOTO by nylon lingzi
MY 2011 NEW YEAR PHOTO, a photo by nylon lingzi on Flickr.

Flickr gurl nylon lingzi loves classic stockings. She certainly has great legs to display.

Saturday, January 14, 2012